
dimecres, 5 de març del 2014


Martin Luther king was born in Atlanta,Georgia in 1929.He was born in a religious family. HIS father was a baptist PASTOR. He studied tHEOlogy in Boston University, and he married his wife, Coretta.
In 1954,he BECAME A baptist pastor anD he developed a pacifist task in the U.S. He LEAD the movEment of the civil rights for African-Americans. In 1955 THERE was THE Montgomery Bus boycott. The Montgomery bus boycott lasted 382 days and ended when the United States Supreme Court ruled that racial separation was illegal in the Montgomery bus system.
In 1963, Martin made a famous speech: “I have a dream”.
He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.
Martin Luther King was assassinated on 4th april 1969 in Memphis.

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